2007 Family Reunion at Teacher’s Village

Before posting about our delayed and “second” family reunion last night, I will first post the “first” family reunion that happened last December 16, 2007 at Teacher’s Village at Quezon City.

Annually, we have two family reunions. The first one happens every last Sunday before Christmas Day in Teacher’s Village in Quezon City. This is the only time of the year where I meet my second to third degree relatives, even if I know them personally or not. We also have exchange gifts to each and everyone of them, including their maids and helpers receive something. That’s about 4-5 large plastic bags a year full of gifts that will be given away by every family.

Camwhore Siblings šŸ˜†

Once I pop, I can’t stop! šŸ˜†

We arrived late because the tank is getting worse. My Dad got a service van which brought us to Quezon City.

We arrived late, and so does Mom’s Beef Caldereta. Everyone waited for that final dish to arrive before we start our eating spree. My sister just took a slice of lechon which caused her yuletide season hospitalization later on.

Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Snowman and Bastard šŸ˜†

From North Pole, with Love šŸ˜†

The program is still the same every year. There are contests for grannies, parents and even kids including me. Everyone is forced to sing and dance, but as for me, I think I’m too old for that already. I spent my time indoor with my cousins and had a great time there.

Josh with second cousin Geo. I love his shirt. šŸ˜†

Josh with cousin Gerald. My favorite kiddo cousin. šŸ˜›

Camille, my closest second cousin, was not present for the first time because of her trip abroad to represent UP. We haven’t seen or talked for a while lately. We are still yet to fix ur misunderstandings that plagued us all year long. I missed her already though. šŸ˜„

My Grandpa Jesus and his sister, Grandma Loring

My Grandpa Jesus and Grandma Citas. Endless Love. šŸ˜†

This yearly event is dedicated to the oldies, that’s why this tradition pushed through from generations after generations. It’s good to see old folks to enjoy this simple family gathering.

Mama’s Boy šŸ˜†

Nevertheless, it was a happy day. The gifts, the food, plus Tito Jun’s Globe 300 pesos prepaid card was worth the long trip.

~ by Joshua Tadena on January 6, 2008.

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